Webinar videos
Watch all our live webinar recordings here.

Finnish Design Shop x Sellforte: Learnings and Insights from an e-commerce retailer MMM implementations
- Introduction to Finnish Design Shop
- Why Finnish Design Shop decided to implement a Marketing Mix Modeling tool?
- Learnings: How has Marketing Mix Modeling changed Finnish Design Shop's marketing planning and media mix optimization process?
- Key outcomes from the Marketing Mix Modeling pilot
- Q&A
Founder's Product Demo
- Data Connectors: How to connect data with Sellforte
- Marketing Dashboard: How to pull strategic insights on how marketing performs in different advertising channels and markets
- Campaign Dashboard: How to do more tactical ongoing campaign optimization
- Media Optimizer: How to use Sellforte for media planning and budgeting
Peek & Cloppenburg x Sellforte
- Why did Peek & Cloppenburg start to look into MMM?
- Why continuous MMM instead of a one-time (or annual) project?
- Learnings about the implementation
- Findings and insights from MMM
- How to implement MMM to internal processes?
Find out more about MMM
- Marketing Mix Modeling
Why should I use Marketing Mix Modelling when I have Google Analytics?
- Marketing Mix Modeling
Marketing Mix Modeling in 2025: Five Trends for eCom/DTC Brands
- Marketing Mix Modeling Research
From Last-click to Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM): Unlock +6.5% more sales
- Marketing Mix Modeling Guides
7 Incrementality Measurement Tools to Try in 2025