
Connecting data to Sellforte is fast and easy. Our in-built data connectors support all major online media and ecommerce platforms. We also take in offline media data, and can connect to a data warehouse if that's where you have your sales data.

Data hero


Digital media

Connect your digital data in minutes using Sellforte's in-built data connectors. We support all major digital media platforms. Available data connectors include for example:

  • Meta, TikTok, Pinterest and other social platforms
  • Google, Microsoft and other platforms with search, display etc.
  • Klaviyo, Mailchimp, and other email platforms
Digital media

Offline media

We have standard offline media-specific templates that help you connect all the relevant data needed for accurate modeling. We'll help you navigate media-specific metrics, such as TRPs, GRPs, Circulation, and set up smooth data flows to Sellforte. Here are typical offline media that our customers connect to Sellforte:

  • TV and Connected TV
  • OOH, DOOH, Cinema
  • Print, Leaflet, Radio
Offline media


Connecting Google Analytics 4 to Sellforte brings you additional insights and makes modeling more accurate. Benefits:

  • Compare MMM-reported ROI and GA4-reported ROAS
  • Understand incrementality of GA4-reported conversions
  • GA4 data can be used in model calibration

E-commerce platforms

If you are an e-commerce company, we can connect directly to your e-commerce platform. E-commerce platforms typically contain a rich set of data that can be used in modeling, such as

  • New vs Returning customer split
  • Promotions and given discounts
  • Logistic costs, Margin
Ecommerce platforms

Sales (online & offline)

If you have an omnichannel sales strategy, you might want to include all of your sales channels in the model. In these cases, the data typically resides in a data warehouse, such as Snowflake. We can connect directly to the data warehouse to set up automatic data flows. Typical sales channels include:

  • E-commerce sales
  • Store sales
  • Marketplaces (like Amazon)
Sales for online and offline

External data

In addition to marketing, your sales might be affected by non-marketing factors that are important to include in the model. By default, we incorporate things like seasonality and holidays, but there could be other factors as well. We will work with you to understand what external data to include. These could be for example:

  • Weather
  • Competitor's media investments
  • Industry-specific data
External data

Connecting data

Data connectors

Sellforte platform has built-in native data connectors which you can use to connect ad platforms and other data sources through a simple authenticating process

The platform includes +500 connectors for digital media platforms, email marketing tools, e-commerce platforms, analytics tools etc.

Data connectors

Data integrations

Sellforte can also connect directly to a data warehouse. This is often needed if your sales data is not available on an e-commerce platform, such as Shopify, or if you have an omnichannel sales strategy. The most typical data sources include:

  • Google Cloud (e.g., Google Bucket, BigQuery)
  • AWS (e.g., S3, RDS)
  • Microsoft Azure (e.g., Blob, Azure SQL)
  • Snowflake
Data integrations

Data platform

If there's other important data that is not available via in-built data connectors or in a data warehouse, don't worry, we've got you covered! You can use Sellforte's Data Platform in such cases. Data Platform is often used for:

  • Offline media data (TV, OOH, Print, Radio, Leaflet)
  • Local digital media (that doesn't have a connector)
  • External data
Data platform

FAQ Data and Data integrations

We typically use at least 2 years of historical data to give the model as much datapoints as possible to learn from. This amount of data is also often needed so that the model can accurately learn seasonal effects. However, sometimes for eCom and DTC brands it is enough to have only one year of historical data.

The data you connect with built-in data connectors comes to Sellforte automatically with a Sellforte defined data schema.

For sales data coming through data integrations, we will jointly agree on the data format to request or read from the tables. Typically, it's enough to have daily-level, product category sales data, including gross and net price for promotional prices.

For other data sets like offline media data, we will deliver you a Sellforte Global Data Standards data sheet to see all relevant information for modeling.

Yes, we typically include promotions and discounts in the model. For most companies, promotions and discounts often drive a fair amount of sales, and it's important to capture their contribution, so that the impact is not attributed to media. Promotion-driven sales are visualized in the MMM dashboard.

The data on promotions and discounts typically from an e-commerce platform or data warehouse that contains the sales data.

This depends on the pricing package you choose. For some customers we have daily updates, for some monthly updates. The data deliveries should be matched to the modeling update rhythm.

There's one exception. If the customer has daily updates in use, we can still agree to have the offline data updated only monthly to limit the burden on data collection on the customer's end. Results will still be updated daily, but they will be more accurate after all the data is in place.

Yes, you can.

We just need to agree on this before starting service as it makes the modeling a bit more complex. We will also ask you to deliver the data in a pre-defined timeseries format.

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